Cheat Grand Theft Auto IV (4)

Full health and armor
Dial "3625550100" on the cell phone. If you enter this code while in a vehicle, it will also repair it. Note: This phone number translates to "DOC-555-0100". This code prevents the "Cleaned The Mean Streets", "Finish Him", "One Man Army", and "Walk Free" achievements from being earned.

Full health, armor, and ammunition
Dial "4825550100" on the cell phone. If you enter this code while in a vehicle, it will also repair it. Note: This phone number translates to "GTA-555-0100". This code prevents the "Cleaned The Mean Streets" achievement from being earned.

Weapons tier 1
Dial "4865550100" on the cell phone. This will unlock the baseball bat, handgun, shotgun, MP5, M4, sniper rifle, RPG, and grenades. Note: This phone number translates to "GUN-555-0150". This code prevents the "Cleaned The Mean Streets" achievement from being earned.

Weapons tier 2
Dial "4865550150" on the cell phone. This will unlock the knife, Molotov cocktails, handgun, shotgun, Uzi, AK47, sniper rifle, and RPG. Note: This phone number translates to "GUN-555-0100". This code prevents the "Cleaned The Mean Streets" achievement from being earned.

Remove Niko's wanted level
Dial "2675550100" on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "COP-555-0100". This code prevents the "One Man Army" and "Walk Free" achievements from being earned.

Add one star to Niko's wanted level
Dial "2675550150" on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "COP-555-0150".

Spawn Annihilator police helicopter
Dial "3595550100" on the cell phone. The Annihilator is armed with rockets. Note: This phone number translates to "FLY-555-0100". This code prevents the "One Man Army" and "Walk Free" achievements from being earned.

Spawn Cognoscenti
Dial "2275550142" on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "CAR-555-0142".

Spawn Comet
Dial "2275550175" on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "CAR-555-0175".

Spawn FBI Buffalo
Dial "2275550100" on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "CAR-555-0100".

Spawn Jetmax
Dial "9385550100" on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "WET-555-0100".

Spawn NRG-900
Dial "6255550100" on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "MBK-555-0100".

Spawn Sanchez
Dial "6255550150" on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "MBK-555-0150".

    Spawn SuperGT
    Dial "2275550168" on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "CAR-555-0168".

    Spawn Turismo
    Dial "2275550147" on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "CAR-555-0147".

    Change weather and brightness
    Dial "4685550100" on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "HOT-555-0100".

The following codes require "The Lost And Damned" bonus downloadable content:

    Spawn Burrito
    Dial "8265550150" on the cell phone.

    Spawn Double T bike
    Dial "2455550125" on the cell phone.

    Spawn Hakuchou bike
    Dial "2455550199" on the cell phone.

    Spawn Hexer bike
    Dial "2455550150" on the cell phone.

    Spawn Innovation bike
    Dial "2455550100" on the cell phone.

    Spawn Slamvan
    Dial "8265550100" on the cell phone.

The following codes require "The Ballad Of Gay Tony" bonus downloadable content:

    Explosive sniper rifle shots
    Dial "4865552526" on the cell phone.

    Super punch
    Dial "2765552666" on the cell phone.

    Spawn Akuma bike
    Dial "6255550200" on the cell phone.

    Spawn APC
    Dial "2725558265" on the cell phone.

    Spawn Bullet GT
    Dial "2275559666" on the cell phone.

    Spawn Buzzard helicopter
    Dial "3595552899" on the cell phone.

    Spawn Floater boat
    Dial "9385550150" on the cell phone.

    Spawn parachute
    Dial "3595557272" on the cell phone.

    Spawn Vader bike
    Dial "6255553273" on the cell phone.

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Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives

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Cheat The Sims3 for PC

Logo The Sims 3

Cheat Console:
During gameplay press [ctrl]+[shift]+C to open the cheat console and type the following to turn cheats on:

Cheat Code - Result

help - Display most cheats
Kaching - 1,000 more Simoleons
Motherlode - 50,000 more Simoleons
shazaam - +2,500 lifetime happiness points to active Sim
freerealestate - Ignore the cost when buying a lot
modify traits - Set or clear traits
add to household - Add active Sim to current household
set age [number] - Set age of the Sim
edit in cas - Take the Sim back to Create-a-Sim
set career [career/level] - Give selected Sim a career
force opportunity - Click career building you work at to force an opportunity
force event - Click career building you work at to force an event
force all events - Click career building to display all events for the career consecutively
force service sim [name] - Force a specific service Sim to appear
force visitor - Forces a neighbor to show up
make me know everyone - Selected Sim knows every other Sim
make friends for me - Make several random friends for selected Sim
make happy - Sets all mood/moodlets for everyone in the house to perfect; removes negative moodlets
make motives [static or dynamic] - Set motives static or dynamic for entire household
unlockOutfits [on or off] - View career outfits and service uniforms [Note 1]
moveObjects [on or off] - No limitations for placing/moving objects
resetSim [first name] [last name] - Return Sims to safe and neutral state at home
constrainFloorElevation [true or false] - Force terrain adjustments regardless of objects, Sims, and other structures
disableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt [on or off] - Objects will not snap to slots while holding [Alt]
fadeObjects [on or off] - Objects fade when camera gets close to them
snapObjectsToAngle [true or false] - Toggle 45 degree angle object snap
snapObjectsToGrid [true or false] - Toggle snap to grid for placed objects
hideHeadlineEffects [on or off] - Show talk/thought balloons above Sim's head
jokePlease - Print random joke to console
enablellamas [on or off] - Llamas enabled message
slowMotionViz: [0-8] - Slow motion visuals; 0 is normal, 8 is slowest
testingCheatsenabled [true or false] - Enable testing cheats [Note 2]
fps [on or off] - Toggle framerate display at top right
fullscreen [on or off] - Full screen
quit - Quit the game

source : | GamesRadar

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Counter Strike Source v.1.9.1

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